Half Mile Bridge

Welcome to Half Mile Bridge

Marise and John Redmann inherited Half Mile Bridge Farm in the early 1980s. They knew that the beautiful woods and meadows, dramatic land forms and peaceful marshes deserved, even demanded special, sensitive treatment and that much of the property should be preserved in a completely natural state.

Slowly, John and Marise reached a decision to begin to develop the property. They assembled an experienced development team: architect Henry Issacson, planner Ralph Bergman, contractors and consultants Paul Shefchik and Fran Shefchik of PortSide Properties, and real estate broker and consultant Tad Gilster of Coldwell Banker Door County Horizons.

The Redmanns' guidelines were simple: the development was to include high-quality buildings of innovative design, the project should meet the needs of those interested in either a year around Door County home or a splendid weekend or vacation retreat and that the sensitive environment should be preserved as unique wildlife habitat.

As the plan began a year and a half of development and refinement, the Redmanns also evaluated strategies for long-term stewardship of the most sensitive portions of the property. Though final arrangements are still pending, over 50 acres of woodland and marsh are permanently protected.